Caramel Apples

I know I’ve been MIA lately, life has just been so busy! I got married! We had a wonderful small celebration with family. I took a week off work and really enjoyed myself. No baking, no work of any kind. I enjoyed the time with family and loved every minute of it. I am so thankful to have such wonderful people in my life! As soon as the wedding was over, I was back to work. And you know, life just gets busy! I remember some people asking me if I was nervous at all, and to be honest, it couldn’t be farther from how I was actually feeling. I was so excited to marry my best friend, nerves weren’t any part of what I was feeling. I feel so fortunate to have found someone who loves me, encourages me, and makes me want to be the best version of myself. Sorry for the sappy love talk, I’m just one happy lady. =D 

So. How is it October already? I’m pretty sure this year went by like this: January, February, Quarantine, October. Am I right? I think a lot of us are just holding out breathe until this pandemic is over, not realizing time is still going by! I am not complaining though. Fall is breathtaking in Colorado, and I’m one of those girls who stops what their doing to take a picture of a beautiful tree with changing leaves. Fall also means a new round of fun flavors. Since we’re near Halloween, I thought a great caramel apple recipe was in order. One year ago around this time, we had a huge event at work where I had to make about 300 caramel apples. It was a good challenge because you can’t do them too far in advance, otherwise the caramel will get too hard. You can’t refrigerate them because the caramel will get condensation. My team and I cranked these out within an hour to spare, and they we’re gorgeous. It’s actually a very easy recipe. All you need is a good heavy bottom sauce pot and a candy thermometer. You simply cook the caramel to a certain temperature, and dip! I find it easier to coat the apples when their already cold, so leave apples in your fridge overnight before making them. This is also a fun recipe to do with kids! If you want to add toppings, make sure you do so right after you dip, before the caramel sets. 

Caramel Apples

Yield 6 apples

Water 172g

Sugar 382g

Salt 1 ½ tsp

Cream 382g

Apples 6

Skewers 6


Skewer apples and chill them for a few hours. Caramel sets better to the apple when it’s cold.

In a heavy bottom pot, heat water, sugar and salt together on medium high heat. Boil and cook down until you reach a caramel-amber color. Remove from heat and carefully whisk in cream. The mixture will bubble up rapidly so be careful. Return caramel to low heat and cook until a candy thermometer reaches 250 degrees F.

Carefully transfer caramel to a heat proof small bowl. Dip apples one by one into caramel, then place onto a sheet tray lined with parchment paper to dry. Let apples set for 10 minutes and serve.

Caramel Apples

The perfect homemade caramel apple recipe

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