Brookie Tart

I know I’m posting new recipes a lot less these days. Last recipe I posted, I got a lot of people that unsubscribed.. understandably so, but I have to admit, it is disheartening.  This is my fun side hobby. I don’t make money sharing these recipes. I do it because I truly enjoy it! Finding the time to test new recipe ideas while working a full time job, maintaining and (slowly) fixing up a new home, and being a present wife and a good mama to my 11 month old, can be quite challenging! If you’re still reading my posts, I sincerely thank you for sticking around!

Baby Frank is doing so well. He’s just a joy to be around. We’ve had crazy cries, some scary sick times, but for the most part he’s a happy baby and I couldn’t be more grateful he’s in our lives now. He’ll be 1 year old in July, and you better believe we’ll be celebrating that day. I’ve got a “dancing fruit” themed birthday cake ordered, and menu set. I can’t believe how fast the time is going!

This tart idea has been on my mind for about 2 months now. I’ve been thinking about how I want it to taste, how I want it to look, and what kind of crust I think would be best. After a couple of fails and a couple successes, I think I’ve nailed the Brookie Tart!

If you like fudgy brownies, and chocolate chip cookies, you’ll love this tart! My goal was not to create just a brownie/cookie inside a tart shell, but to make it a little more like a fudgy filling and less like a stand alone dessert. I hope you enjoy! It hits all the cookie/brownie/chocolate pie cravings you may have (or never knew you needed).

Brookie Tart

Yield 9” tart


Flour ¾ cup

Butter, cold 5 Tbsp.

Sugar 1 tsp

Salt ¼ tsp

Ice water 2-4 Tbsp.

Brownie Base

Butter, melted 4 Tbsp.

Chocolate chips ½ cup

Sugar ½ cup

Cocoa powder 2 Tbsp.

Eggs 2

Flour 3 Tbsp.

Salt ¼ tsp

Water 2 Tbsp.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Base

Butter, melted 5 Tbsp.

Brown Sugar 1/3 cup

Sugar 2 Tbsp.

Salt ¼ tsp

Eggs 2

Flour ¼ cup

Baking powder ½ tsp


Prepare the crust first. Combine flour, butter, sugar, and salt in a food processor and turn on. Mix for 10 seconds then add in water, 1 Tbsp. at a time until dough comes together. Remove from processor, and form dough into a disk. Wrap dough and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Lightly flour a work surface and roll dough out to 16” diameter. Lightly spray a tart pan and place dough into tart pan. Trim excess dough from the top. Refrigerate for 10 minutes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

To make the brownie batter, combine butter and chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave in 30 second increments and stir until fully melted and mixed together. Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix until smooth.

To make chocolate chip cookie base, combine all the ingredients and mix until smooth.

Put a piece of parchment over the tart dough, then some pie weights on top. Blind bake the tart dough for 20 minutes. Take out of oven, and scoop dollops of brownie batter, then cookie batter, until all batter is gone. Place back in the oven for 30 minutes. Once baked, cool at room temperature for 2 hours.

Serve with ice cream, whipped cream, or a tall glass of milk! Happy baking!

Brookie Tart

Fudgy Brownie and Chocolate Chip Cookie swirled into a Butter Crust
Course Dessert
Keyword brookie, brookie tart, brownie, cookie

11 thoughts on “Brookie Tart”

  1. So happy to receive this recipe! Your priorities are in the right place! Kudos to you for putting family first! I will joyfully and gratefully continue to be a subscriber. Bless you!

  2. I cannot rate it because I’ve not yet baked it, but I’m so sorry that people unsubscribed because of a recipe. To me it seems akin to dissolving a friendship because of their outfit. Baking is my hobby, and getting to see photos of your adorable son always brightens my day.

  3. Looks delicious! Press on with Frank, your husband, work and home and don’t let others discourage you! Do what you enjoy and let the negative comments and unsubscribers go. You are a busy lady – just have fun and I always look forward to a new post in your timing!

    1. 5 stars
      New subscriber here. I found you through your book!! I don’t know why people unsubscribed but I’ve been going through your website for the first time and you’re recipes look amazing!! I’m in awe that you have time to cook, let alone develop recipes. It’s amazing that you have time to keep hous, let alone do any remodelingl or decorating or whatever.
      Your baby, Frank, is adorable!! These days go by so fast, I don’t need to tell you. Take all the time you want and enjoy it. Blessings to you and thanks for the great recipes!!!

      1. Thank you so much!! The days do go by so fast.. Frank is almost 2! I am glad you are enjoying my recipes!

  4. This looks amazing! Any advice for me if I were to halve the recipe (only 2 of us in this household)? Also wanted to let you know a friend gifted me your Small Batch cookbook for xmas; we already made the chocolate raspberry cake which was incredible. I added a sachet of instant coffee to the batter but other than that, stuck to your recipe 100%. We were amazed by how plush it was without any eggs or dairy! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much! Im so glad you liked the chocolate raspberry cake, that is definitely one of my most used cake recipes. I think you could halve this recipe and either try it in a couple of ramekins or a loaf pan! I hope you enjoy it!

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